I've been overweight all my life, as an adult ranging from a size 12 to a size 20. I lost weight before meeting my first husband, gained it when he was diagnosed with cancer and later passed, lost it while single again and later a newlywed, gained it during two pregnancies, lost it when my children became more independent, gained it during my third pregnancy, lost it when my youngest became more independent, and gained it during a very stressful situation at work, then moving to a new town. But, since my husband likes me "round" :) and I was comfortable enough with my size, everything was okay. Until this summer, when on July 26, 2016, I weighed in at 214.4 pounds, my heaviest weight in 20 years. Worse yet, none of the weight control methods I had used in the past were working. Desperate, I went to God for help, and he began revealing some things I needed to accept.
I had to end my affair and return to my first love.
Sure, from time-to-time I'd feel guilty about eating for comfort or entertainment, but it didn't last long. This time I felt true conviction, as God likened it to adultery. I'd been cheating on him in my heart for over 40 years! He showed me that when I experience suffering, disappointment, frustration, or a delay in getting my way, I almost always run to my other lover, who seemingly meets my needs. But, as in any adulterous affair, it was just an illusion. There was no real love or provision coming from my other lover.
I had to endure in order to gain the discipline I need.
Over the years, I have had many more great beginnings than great endings in my weight loss efforts. The thing that's missing is endurance, The discipline I need comes through enduring trials. I am not to grow weary from them. I am to see them as his love for me and a call to repentance. (Hebrews 12:1-8)
I had to endure in order to gain the discipline I need.
Over the years, I have had many more great beginnings than great endings in my weight loss efforts. The thing that's missing is endurance, The discipline I need comes through enduring trials. I am not to grow weary from them. I am to see them as his love for me and a call to repentance. (Hebrews 12:1-8)
I had to seek God first, then wait for him to provide what I need.
Jesus can provide all the resources I will ever need. Plus, I have lived long enough to know that rarely does a plan or product deliver the results promised.
The pictures above are actually me six days after leaving my lust for food. Here, I've already lost 7 pounds by following just a few guidelines and, I suppose, by ignoring millions of others. I'll post more about that soon.
I'm so excited about this experience. I feel changed for life and am looking forward to what God's going to do with me once I show him a singular devotion. A particular verse from a song keeps coming to mind throughout this experience...
I am resolved no longer to linger,
Charmed by the world’s delight,
Things that are higher, things that are nobler,
These have allured my sight.
(Palmer Hartsouth)
I am resolved to end my food affair and return to my first love!